Dimisca Laurentiu
Unreeling retrospectivly and bibliographicly the steps of the young living artist, Laurenţiu Dimişcă, I find an ambiguous-construction step on route, of course of his 5 years of faculty.
„Jurnal” became a sequel of the tangible projects from his last year of faculty: the ambiental work „The Big Fish” in sgraffito technique from the Policlinique CFR in Cluj-Napoca and the 100 works on cardboard of the cycle „States”. I did not want a personal jurnal, but a universal jurnal, where everyone of us who may have contact with my works can find a little part of their own jurnal from this life-time, or why not, another life-time. Continuing the ambiguous-construction step in the course of the first year of master, I proposed to myself to realize almost daily a work, no matter the state, wether I was bored, wether I was curt, or jolly, or happy, in the end… lots of states and emotions. |